Kursus Online Internet Marketing

Cape Ngetik  

Posted by Fay

Kudu ngebut coz lebaran aku jadi cuti 'n mudik naek kereta ama ko Edi hehehehe...
Asli dari tadi concentration mode: high, sampe cape ngetik... T_T Berasa kayak robot yang mengejar target... But anyway, I'm trying to keep my mind and also my fingers sane =p

Just thought that I might need a chocolate ice cream hihihi...
Duh kak Prima kemana siy... susah banget dicariin... pengen keluar makan es krim bentar trus balik lagi soalnya ntar komsel... Hfff....

cape 'n bosen ngetik euy...


Posted by Fay

Asli jadi krodit... emang blon terlalu parah siy... cuman berasa aja ruangan jadi penuh...

Eh... tau ga krodit apaan? inglish-nya "crowded" hihihihi... (kalo bahasa inggris diplesetin ke bahasa cina kan istilahnya "chinglish", kalo Indonesia kan jadi "inglish" hihihi mekso =p)

Yeap, the design staff moved here, to IT room... they said it was just for temporary (maybe 2 weeks). My opinion? No spesific impression actually... cuman berasa aja ada lebih banyak orang... semoga mereka ga pasang musik yang bisa mecahin kaca 'n mencederai kuping hehehe...

Ini antara campuran ngantuk plus laper... Lagi ngerjain bahan buat les EF besok hehehe... tinggal dikit lagi, nyari di kamus online soalnya. Ntar pulang kos juga mo nyiapin bahan buat les besok. Abis gini pulang ah... ngantuk kemaren baru tidur midnite soalnya =p abis nonton CJ7 (anjingnya lucuuuuuuuuuuuu... bisa ga yah ada binatang macem gitu hehehe... mukanya itu loh lucu abis...)

Eum... trus pas pulang sempet penasaran, abis dari tadi pagi ada someone yang mo ngomong empat mata ama aku, tapi ga sempet mulu sampe dia pulang... Ighhhh... aku minta hint juga ga dikasih... cebel... besok katanya... huaaa... apaan yah... jadi penasaran...

Tadi siang ko Edi telpon... kayaknya aku bisa mudik Lebaran bareng ama dia... cool =p abis kalo di sini juga binun mo ngapain... kalo mudik paling ga bisa ama family 'n palingan tiap ari ke toko bantuin soalnya pembantu pasti pada mudik semua. Yah whatever... nothing beat the feeling of being at home with your beloved people... and with Miky too (Ki... I miss u soooooo muachhhhh...)

hari yang cukup krodit...

Jogging ke Kantor  

Posted by Fay

Hihihi... bukan, bukan jogging siy benernya... tapi walking from my dorm to office hehehe... kalo jalan santai sekitar 1/2 jam atau lebih 5 menit lagi dah... Tapi tadi kecepatan sedang jadinya berangkat jam 07:25 nyampe kantor jam 07:51 =p

Iseng? Ga juga siy... emang rada niat, secara separuh jalan udah ada trotoarnya gara-gara pembangunan ruko baru, jadi enak dibuat jalan kaki... paling ga dah ga serem lagi kalo jalan kaki pas belokan abis jembatan... Tinggal separuhnya lagi blom dibikin trotoar tapi masih ga terlalu serem soalnya tinggal lurus aja 'n nanjak dikit =p

Kemaren tu, gara-garanya baca Reader Digest Health, katanya buat nguatin tulang ga cukup konsumsi kalsium, tapi juga butuh vitamin D langsung, paling ga setiap hari antara 15-20 menit kalo bisa kulit kudu kena sinar matahari pagi. Coz vitamin D langsung ini ngebantu banget proses penyerapan kalsium ke tulang. Getuuu... So jalan kaki deh tadi for the first time =p Pengennya siy kalo bisa cepet kayak tadi persiapannya aku jalan kaki tiap hari ke kantor, selaen sehat juga hemat uang angkot hihihihi... =p kaga dink, sehatnya yang dibelain hehehe... secara di kantor kan duduk mulu jarang mondar-mandir, biar peredaran darah lancar lah...

Kayaknya bakal tambah sehat nih hehehe... secara kalo Senen, Rabu ama Jumat aku kan les EF, dari kos PP jalan kaki juga... ya sekitar 25 menitan lah sekali jalan... So lebih banyak gerak ketimbang dulu... ya itung-itung kompensasi dari jatah olahraga yang berkurang =p abisnya kalo malem les EF besok paginya ngantuk, jadi ga olahraga... so I compensate it by walking more often hehehe...

Eniwei, I love walking... menikmati lingkungan sekitar *halah* hihihi... eh beneran masih enak hawanya kalo di sini... ga kebayang deh di Jakarta =p

Yummy Saturday Morning  

Posted by Fay

I don't usually wake up early every Saturday, I'd rather sleep until 8 am or 9 am... enjoying my day off... But this morning I woke up at 4:30 am, stretching my body, take a shower, and got ready for a morning walk to Beverly. I had planned this activity yesterday, and made a plan with one of my friend whose dorm is at Beverly too.

The first thing I do was buying nasi kuning (for my breakfast), nasi uduk (for my lunch), and 2 bags of soy milk, I paid 17.000,- for them. Hmm... yummy! So I wouldn't mind if you said that actually my main purpose of this morning walk wasn't for the exercise itself, but for hunting the delicious meals hehehehe... =p After that I went to my friend's dorm, I thought I would pick her up and we would go jogging around Beverly and meanwhile I could put my meals in her room. But our plan has to be canceled due to my friend's leg injury. Yesterday she pushed herself to run too far and too long, so her leg's muscles in pain now.

So I just drank my soy milk and ate nasi kuning at her dorm, talked with her and some of her friends =p Sooo delicious =p And now, here I am, typing and browsing at my office, while listening to my MP3s =p Yea you can tell that my office is my second home here at Lippo Cikarang... =p I will go back to my dorm later, maybe after 12 at noon. Besides, I got my lunch with me =p

Trying 2Get My Feet Back On The Ground  

Posted by Fay

I know... it's a weird status... but frankly, that's exactly the perfect term to describe my condition right now. And that process has been happening in my mind up until now. So you won't see anything from the outside =p

But I could feel that my swirling thoughts has affected my whole schemes... so I just gotta get my feet back soon on the ground =p

Actually it's rooted on a simple thing, but it's a core thing. Hmm... I think I'm going to take some time to reconnected myself in His way and regain my self control. Don't worry, I'm on my way... just pray for me =)

Soothing Songs  

Posted by Fay

Lyrics | Home lyrics

Jadi kangen rumahhhh... T_T Kangen mom jugaaaa.... T_T

Lyrics | Over The Rainbow lyrics

I wonder where's my "over the rainbow" place yah...
Mau pergi ke pantai... to a serene place... ngeliat dedaunan... pokoknya yang damai 'n tenang...

Cenut... cenut...  

Posted by Fay

Duh T_T

Cenut-cenut lagi nih kepalaku T_T

Rabu kemaren udah demam 'n sakit kepala cenut-cenut juga. Jumat dah baikan banget 'n dah masuk kantor. Minggu ama senen dah sembuh total... Eh tadi pagi pas bangun kok cenut-cenut lagi???

Puji ama Delly bilang kali itu pertanda dah jenuh 'n ciong ama kantor hihihihi... kok kumat pas mulai masuk kerja lagi hehehehe...

T_T ga bisa konsen... sebentar tenang sebentar tiba-tiba cenut-cenut T_T

God heal me please...
Ntar mo cabut tenggo ah, mo tidur awal...


Posted by Fay

So, I'm entering the second quartal... Yeap! Today I'm already 26 years old. The messages has been coming into my cellphone since midnite, and the phone calls since this morning...

Having people remember your birthday and care enough to say it either directly or through other media is a sweet thing to be grateful of...

Tadi pagi ditelpon ama Kezia 'n didoain live langsung dari HP, dia pas baru bangun tidur lagi hihihi... soalnya dia dah minta list yang mau didoain kemaren lusa hehehe... 3 hal... hehehe... Trus sampe aku telat berangkat kantor gara-gara abis itu masih cerita-cerita ama dia hehehe.... Then sebelon berangkat mamaku giliran telpon, yah tambah telat deh hihihi... Temen-temen kos (yang cuman 2 orang hihihi...) juga ngucapin hepi b-day...

The messages keep coming in through Friendster, YM, and email. Di kantor ada juga yang b-daynya sama kayak aku hehehe, Mbak Asih, kita langsung saling ngucapn selamet pas aku baru nyampe kantor hehehe.... Trus Delly ternyata dah kasih comment di Friendster dari kemaren, ditulisnya anggep aja dia kirim itu tadi malem jam 00:00 biar dia yang pertama kasih ucapan di Friendster hehehe... so sweet =p

Di kantor, temen-temen se-ruangan so sweet hihihihi... I'm not the kind of tralala person yang kesenengan kalo diisengin sebangsa disirem aer (yea btw, kondisiku lagi ga memungkinkan buat diisengin kayak gitu hihihi...). Jadi tadi mereka ngumpul 'n mengabulkan request-ku didoain ama 3 orang, Pak Suwandi (my bozz), Martinus, 'n Puji hehehehe....

Kadonya? Dompet Ocean planet warna item 'n kuning muda (asli ni kombinasi warna yang lagi aku suka hihihi... kuning muda...) 'n one of my requested item, USB warna putih 2 Gigaaaa hehehehehehehe.... HOREEEEEEE ^.^ hihihihihihihi... thanx for the presents ya gals... ^.^ Seneng deh hihihihi.... It's the thing I need =p Walo ga terpikir as a special gift, but it is a special gift hehehe... USB pertama dikasih bozz, USB kedua ini dikasih anak-anak seruangan IT... That's very memorable you know? Hehehe....

Though this day has not end yet... but thank you so much for all of you... ^.^
You are all my blessings ^.^

My Birthday Requests  

Posted by Fay

Honestly I have no particular thing that I'm desperately wishing... As a matter of fact I almost forgot that my birthday was getting close.

Hmm.. Okay, bukannya ga ada, tapi my desperado things itu bukan barang. They are wishes I've been longing for, and they only can be granted by Him =b So I guess I just gonna list the things I need =b

1. Flash disc a.k.a USB yang kapasitasnya paling gede. Soalnya aku punya USB jadul yang cuman 256MB doang hehehe... Lagi in the mood nyimpen macem-macem bahan dari internet buat dibaca di kompie rumah tapi sering ga muat =b

2. Kamus elektronik yang bisa dibawa-bawa (ya semacem alfalink gitu)... Secara lagi les inggris and kayaknya bakal kepake terus... Soalnya kalo baca ato nemu kata-kata bahasa inggris yang ga ngerti kan bisa langsung dicari artinya, wherever I go =b

3. Vacation! Hehehe... Yang kepikir siy Jogja ato Bali.. Yang hawanya ga dingin, yang ada pantainya, yang alami... Bareng temen tapinya... Kalo sendirian males, bukan tipe backpacker hehehe... Lagian kalo sendirian tu berasa kayak luntang-luntung hehehe...

Apalagi yah? Blon kepikir yang laen... Kalo ada yang mau doain soal wishes yang bukan berupa barang boleh PM aku hehehe... I will appreciate ur prayers sooo much =)

Udah gitu dulu kali yah hehehe...

I'm Taking EF Course  

Posted by Fay

Hi you!
Haven't writing for a long time makes me long so much for blogging activity =p

Well... Many things have been happened since I got back from Surabaya. I made some decissions and one of them was to take an English course at EF (English First).

Some of my friends asked why I would take the course as they thought that my english was already good enough. It's true that I have been learning English through books about tenses and grammar, I also read english articles on internet and Reader Digest to broaden my vocabulary, and I have been practising in writing too ... but if I want to be a professional writer, which is my goal, I must have a strong foundation in english. That's why I decided to take this course.

Yesterday I've finished the oral test to determine my level at EF. Previously, I was informed that after the writing and oral test, I would be included in their waiting list, which means I just have to wait to start the course. But last night after I have finished all my tests, they offered me to join the class straightaway. Ow, I forgot to tell, I got in to the 5th level, Pra Intermediate level =p And so I've started my first course last night at 7:40 pm. Guess what, my classmates were all high school students! Eum.. to be honest, at first I was kind of disappoint, but then I thought... "Hey, I'm here to learn and improve English. It doesn't matter about the others... Besides, at least we're here for the same purpose..."

So now I can say that it's all good!