Besok - makan siang bareng ke Samudra TA ama semua orang di ruangan IT 'n New Media. Ini sebenernya event dimana tim ultah (Yoel, Martinus, Lestari 'n me) nraktir =p Ya... due to my resignation, it means sekalian perpisahan juga brarti hehehe... secara ga mungkin lagi keluar makan bareng rame-rame seruangan... besok mo bawa kamera ah, waktunya foto-foto!!! must 'n kudu...
Lusa - cabuttttt.... mudik naek kereta api bareng ko Edi. Eum... bawa kamera juga, mau foto-foto dari jendela kereta api kalo ada pemandangan bagus, kan bisa minta tolong ko Edi fotoin =p jauh bok... semoga betah... belon ngepak-ngepak barang nih...
Kursus Online Internet Marketing
A few weeks ago someone called me in the middle of the night on my "fren" number! I was sleeping and disturbed by that call, so I just muted the ringtone until it stopped ringing.
Then, few days ago, the same number sent me SMS. I have already erased it so I don't remember what's the content.
This morning, I got another SMS from the same number again. It said a quote (my friend got the same quote about a month ago, about "the beautiful woman") then the quote was ended by "Jb" (Jesus bless).
I don't reply any of those SMSes, because I don't know whose number it is, and the sender didn't reveal him/herself either... so I just pay no mind to that...
The number is 0899***4646
0899 => "3" number
that's all I know...
I'm sorry for such a short notice...
Yesterday I made everyone at the office (who haven't known because I haven't told them before) very shocked with my resignation statement... Actually I didn't mean to make them shock... but I just can't help it... besides, I had just made the decission 100% the night before. So it's just inevitable thing to happen...
So... 22th October 2008 will be my last day in my present office. I'm going to move back to my home first, then find a new dormitory near my new office and moving in.
Phewwww.... there's a lot to do...
Tadi meeting hampir seharian ngebahas pembagian jobdesk, perombakan tepatnya... Emang satu sisi jadi lebih rata siy, tapi keliatan jelas banget kalo yang harus kita kerjain itu buanyakkkkk buangedddddddddd.... bujubunenggggg....
Tapi satu yang rada bikin lega, aku ga jadi admin forum lagi =p
Apa yah... maybe dah terlalu lama, dari sejak forum lahir sampe sekarang... jadi maybe dah rada jenuh aja =p Emang butuh orang baru biar forumnya seger...
Well... most of all... I have a lot to do! A LOT... before I can go home peacefully T_T
Jiayouuuuuuuu Ganbatteeeeeeeee
Yea... sadly, it's because I have to work on my job, I have a long to do list before I can go home peacefully on 27th Sept until 5 Oct 2008 for Lebaran holiday! I miss contemplating and writing so much... T_T
Kangen mamiiiiii T_T
Gara-gara pagi-pagi ada yang muter lagu "Bunda"nya Melly Goeslaw pagi-pagi di kantor T_T
Mana sebelumnya ada lagunya Melly yang teksnya nyebutin langit sore...
It's been ages I have never seen langit sore lagi T_T
Menikmati langit sore itu kan salah satu sumber inspirasinya penulis...
Last week was really a busy week. Besides the regular jobs, I've been to Bandung with IT gals to report the Maestro Singing Contest on Thursday. We departed from our office at 01:30 pm and guess what, we've arrived back in Lippo Cikarang at 02:00 am the next morning!
Friday after all staff chappel at my office, I had to went to JPCC Jakarta with some women to "Treasure's Women Conference". It held for 2 days, Friday and Saturday. We went there by elf, and I was sitting on the back. You can imagine, it felt like I was completely shaken along the both journey from and back to Lippo Cikarang T_T Plusss... Friday night is my schedule to attend EF course. So I rushed to the course after I got here. The next morning was much better... we went there by travello, more comfortable... and the sessions were also better than the day before, plus, we got a cup of ice cream at coffe break, and we also got a little box of treat (3 delicious cookies, one orange vitamilk, three teng-teng -peanut sweets).
Hmm... what a busy week... and it's predictable that those weeks ahead are also gonna be busy weeks because we have many projects outside our regular jobs...
...and that's why all I can think of in my spare time is homeeeee T_T
Hehehehe... Jiayouuuuu!!! Just another 3 weeks and you'll come home!!!
Mo liputan acara finalis lomba nanyi-nya Maestro FM Bandung... lupa nama tepat event-nya apa... ni lagi nulis buru-buru sebelon cabut dari kantor hehehe...
Capeeee.... beberapa hari terus jari-jari ngetik nonstop selaen jam istirahat makan siang T_T Pengen cepet-cepet kelar biar tambah tenang menjelang mudik hehehe...
Moga-moga besok juga masih sempet beli molen coklat keju-nya kartikasari ama brownies amanda hehehe...
Bubye... for the next few days... masih ngebutzzzzzzzz
Sabtu Tanggal 13 September, urutan sesuai kronologis waktu dikasih tahu-nya:
- aku dijadwalin jaga stand di senayan, soalnya jumat malem (hari jaga stand pertama) aku kan les EF, jadi ga bisa ikutan ama yang laen (all IT gals jaga stand Jumat). Sabtu itu aku sendirian dari IT yang jaga stand, plus anak dari dept. laen.
- aku dikasitau ko Lung kalo Sabtu dia ada syuting di sini, ya, di sini, bukan di Jakarta. Aku lupa ama jadwal jaga stand itu, dah seneng-seneng bisa ketemuan.
- diajak ke dufan Sabtu ama Delly, aku bilang ga bisa soalnya ko Lung mo dateng, mumpung, kapan lagi bisa ketemuan...
Trus, baru diingetin lagi soal jadwal jaga stand, pake ngancem lagi, walopun aku tau cuman becanda, but it's kinda hurts... maybe it's because this is a rare chance to meet my brother, lebih jarang lagi dia yang ke sini, eh malah aku jaga stand di Jakarta, malah kerja.
T_T Nggak tauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Dateng siy pasti dateng, cuman bete abis...
Giliran Sabtu ga ada acara, cuman di kos doang, ga ada kerjaan dari kantor.
Giliran ini kesempatan jarang buangeddd ada, udah ditunggu-tunggu, eh malah ada kerjaan kantor... T_T
Ya I know, it's not anyone's fault. Cuman jadinya bete sendiri aja.
I just need time to calm down.
That's it.
Fine, whatever.. toh akhir September dah mudik ini.
Ugh ngantuk...
Need a space to breath...
Mata sepet >.<
Tangan cape ngetik...
Pengen nulis something that has a soul... T_T
Not just translating or modifying other's writing
Yah semua ini demi mudik...
Harus ngebutzzzzz
Dah 3 taun lebaran ga pernah mudik...
So I've been longing so much for this time!!!
Emang beda ama mudik laennya?
Beda dunk... ni kan lebaran... ntar ada tetangga yang nganter nasi uduk, ketupat, de el el hihihihi... beda yang jelas suasananya =p
Semoga ntar pulang lancar...
Sekarang ngebutzzzz lagieeeee....
full speed!