I'll be gone on tomorrow
I'll be home as soon as I can
if you're lonely without me
but baby Miky baby I'll be home soon
Call a friend for some laughter
Keep it mine the day after
Save your love for the weekend
cause baby Miky baby I'll give my love to you
ta dadada tadadada tadadadadadada tadada tadadada
It's so cold in this city
And I'm dreaming that you're thinking of me
one more night this feeling will be over
so baby Miky baby save your love for me
ta dadada tadadada tadadadadadada tadada tadadada
(yeah yeah oh Miky dumdumdumdum)
One more night
My flight leave at noon
No longer alone
and I see your smile
It lights up your eyes
so Miky baby I'm coming home
I'm coming home
ta dadada tadadada tadadadadadada tadada tadadada
sjubdubdudub sjudubdududub
I'm coming home
ta dadada tadadada tadadadadadada tadada tadadada
(I'm coming home.. yeah baby.. oh Miky tadadaa
I'm coming home I'm coming home I'm coming home)
*plesetan lagu "Coming Home"nya Romeo hehehe...*
Kursus Online Internet Marketing
By Wednesday 30th July I'll fly with Air Asia (just have booked the flight few hours ago!) Yap, this was a sudden decission. Early this morning my mom called me and told me to come home.
But I'll be back at Sunday 3rd August. So little time I'll have at home T_T hehehe... But that's okay, don't have another choice either... Okay friends... just in case I can't blog on the next Monday and Tuesday, so take this post as an early farewell greeting from me. I'll be back!
Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.
I need calm surroundings...
Calm enough to think and revolve...
Either it's silent or instrument song...
and I've just thought that I really want to be a full time blogger...
Browsing articles on the net, think deeply about certain things, recall the memories and experiences...
and write!
Plus, browsing pictures from the net or from my camera, and edit them with Photoshop
Then put it on my blog!
Hmmm... it may feel so content =p
Cartoon by
Really need to refresh!!!
I think the picture above explained it all hehehe...
Missing people (and a cute cat) file report!
There has been days when I woke up in the early morning and just felt like there's something missing...
I miss my family... I wanna spend some time with my dad 'n mom...
I miss Miky too...
I miss my second family...
I miss to have discussion with them about many things...
There's just something missing here...
Saturday, 12 July 2008, me and JCers (jawaban.com forum’s members: Roselyn, Ana, Delly, Amos, Andri, Fendi) went to Curug Cilember, Cisarua Bogor. “Curug” is a term means waterfall. At 7 am we met at the side road of Plaza Semanggi Jakarta as our meeting point. The night before I slept at Kezia’s dormitory so I could go earlier.
The information in the website that explained about Curug Cilember was not all correct, it was said that the trip from Jakarta to Curug Cilember only took time about 1 and half hour but we’ve finally got there after spending about 3 hours on the road. There was a traffic jam in the common path to Curug Cilember, so we took one person (and pay him for his service) to show us the alternative way to get there. It was a narrow, many turns, and quite steep way up we’ve gone through, steep enough that we had to got out of the car few times so the car could climbed up (honestly, we’ve already overloaded really hehehe… there were 9 people in the car). But when finally we’ve got there, it was paid off, quite fun hehehe…
Each of us paid 6.000,- for the entrance fee to Curug Cilember. There were already many people there, some of them were playing around the waterfall, taking pictures, playing “flying fox”, sitting near their tent, or just walking around. Actually there were 7 waterfalls in Curug Cilember. The most crowded visitors usually hang around at the 7th waterfall, where we’ve also visited, because it’s the lowest waterfall. The 1st waterfall is on the highest level, and it was said on the website as the most natural waterfall since people seldom could get there. We didn’t go up because we’ve ran out of time and already hungry so we had to search a place to get lunch. I hope next time I can go back there again and get to the 1st waterfall ;-p Plus I wasn’t satisfy to take pictures yet! ;-p
We ate lunch at “Saung Kuring” restaurant. Got God’s favour ‘cause one of JCers were wiling to pay for all of us ;-p After that we went down to the Bogor city, to “Gedung Dalam” to buy some local foods like “asinan Bogor”, “toge goreng”, and many more. I bought “chocolate cheese and cheese pia”, it’s quite crunchy and delicious. Then we went back to Jakarta and finally arrived to our meeting point at 5:40 pm.
Wanna go back… wanna take another trip (more trips!!!) to enjoy the beautiful nature… and definitely wanna take more pictures!!! ;-p
Yap! Get ready for the day after tomorrow! ^o^
I'm going to Cilember Cisarua Bogor! ^o^
Yesterday I've learned my camera's features and I think I'll be ready. I'm very hopeful that I can get great, unique, and cool photos there!
Tomorrow after office hour I'll go to Jakarta by bus and stay for the night at Kezia's dorm, then Saturday morning I'll go to Plaza Semanggi by 7 am to meet with my other friends. I just can't wait! ^o^
Lagi nunggu banyak hal...
hal-hal yang kayaknya bakal terjadi dalam jangka pendek
'n juga hal-hal yang masih jauh di depan...
Go to Bogor with JCers!
Yap that includes Delly 'n Ana, and few others...
Here's the sneak preview hehehe...
So beautiful euy... kalo tempat aslinya seindah jepretan foto-fotonya hehehe...
Udah ga sabar ngebayangin ntar mau foto-foto model gimana hihihi... narsis time! =p
Sekalian mo explore 'n coba-coba foto berbagai angle... hehehe...
asik asik asik...
Beberapa hari belakangan makan-ku overload... sejak jadi SPG di JaCC ituh, itu udah 1 hari kayaknya makaaaannn mulu, porsinya juga berat-berat. Trus kemaren Sabtu juga, banyak godaan di deket kosnya Kezia... jadi deh makan kacang ijo (yummy!!!), jajan carang mas (apa sih ni istilahnya? Kalo aku biasanya nyebut itu carang mas hehehe...) ama kue kacang, trus beli nasi ibuk kampung deket sana juga (nasi, kangkung, terong sambel, tempe goreng tebel, kremes, tempe oseng manis, all in the best sense hihihi... semua 4rebu =p murmer euy) kuenyangggg...
Belon kelar, sorenya pas kopdar-an ama rcdp di CL ditraktir pangsit goreng... Biarpun cuman pangsit goreng tapi namanya perut udah begah tambah begah lagi deh... Malemnya pas pulang dari CL ama Kezia makan dulu di warung pas on the way ke pangkalan angkot. Uenakkkk tenannn... Kezia makan nasi goreng spesial (laen kali mo cobain ah), aku makan mie rebus... enak euy... cita rasa Surabaya... hihihi... laen kali mauuuu lagi lagi dan lagi hihihi...
Berakhirlah Sabtu kemaren lusa dengan perut full tank =p
Mana beberapa hari sejak jadi SPG itu aku belon olah raga 1 hari pun...
Langsung deh kemaren siang begitu dah sampe kos, abis beberes 'n bersihin kipas angin, aku olahraga lagi... Tadi pagi juga usah... berasa sedikit lebih enteng hehehe... plus kemaren malem juga abis "bongkar muatan" hihihi... Tapi masih harus olahraga neh... menebus beberapa hari overload makan 'n ga olahraga hehehe...
Idup olahragaaaa!!!
Lagi jadi SPG di JaCC (belakangnya Grand Indonesia Jakarta) niy... =p
Iya, lagi jaga stand jawaban.com di acaranya GYO (Global Youth Outreach) ama beberapa orang kantor (CBN) laennya...
My current condition:
- Perut: full tank sampe begah, abisnya tadi pagi dari kos dah makan mie instant ama minum susu sereal. Maksudnya jaga-jaga kalo-kalo ntar pas sampe di tempat jaga stand sini busy, jadi kan paling ga perut dah aman. Eh ternyata kondisinya ga se-hectic yang aku bayangin, plus makan pagi juga udah dibeliin, nasi uduk komplit (nasi, telor utuh, tahu kecap 3 biji, bihun goreng, potongan tempe, krupuk, gorengan). Nasinya buanyak buangeddd. Trus bentar laginya ada selingan ditraktir es krim cone campina coklat ama temen kantor. Trus bentar laginya lagi dah makan siang (makan paginya jam 9an lebih gitu, jadi jaraknya deket-deket), paket nasi ayam bakar (nasi, dada ayam bakar - dagingnya tuebel buangeddd, tahu, tempe, sambel, semangkuk kecil sayur asem) plus minumnya es blewah (secara dah lama banget ga makan blewah -it's just a kind of sentimental thing maybe, coz dulu alm. emakku sering bikin es blewah hehehe...). Jadi bisa dibayangin kenyangnya kayak apahhhh... Serasa dah ga bisa napas... Mana ni kaos "history maker"nya CBN yang aku pake ukurannya ngepas banget (dulu cari yang L udah abis, jadinya ya udah diterima aja 'n ga pernah aku pake lagi... sampe hari ini... karna terpaksa... yang jaga stand kudu seragam), jadi kalo jalan ama duduk rada-rada nahan napas gitu deh hihihi...
- Mata: sepettt buanged... tadi hampir ketiduran pas lagi duduk, padahal di ruang acaranya musik lagi disetel kenceng plus pembicaranya lagi kotbah berapi-api gitu... Abis semalem nungguin estafet laptop ama segala macemnya dari Tammy. Tammy-nya juga baru nyampe kantor lagi dari Jakarta jam 11an malem gitu. Pokoknya aku pulang nyampe kos kemaren tu hampir midnite. Pagi dah bangun jam 4-an soalnya mo kramas rambut dah lepek abiez... ama mau masak indomie dulu itu (cerita lanjutnya kayak yang udah aku tulis di atas hehehe...) Asli cuman pengen bobokkkk... T.T
- Tangan: gatel pengen "menari" di atas keyboard (yang akhirnya terealisasi dengan adanya postingan ini hehehe...) plus pengen browsing. Maklum, biasanya jadi manusia online trus disuruh jadi SPG offline jadinya jetlag hihihi...
Tadinya mo ngeblog langsung dari HP, tapi apa daya ga ada sinyal... Jadinya ngetik dulu di Wordpad laptop kantor (yang sebenernya dipake buat muter promonya jawaban.com) hihihi... Ya tapi ini lagi ga dipake kok, soalnya orang-orangnya dah pada keluar buat break. Ntar kita "beraksi" lagi kalo mereka dah balik ke sini buat ngikutin session selanjutnya. Ntar kalo dah nyampe kantor lagi baru deh ni tulisan aku pindahin ke USB then diupload ke blog =p
Tau ga, pas aku nulis ini nih... ada pengisi acara yang lagi latian buat session ntar malem, latian dance pake musik gitu. Ga tau ni lagu yang lagi dinyanyiin buat ngiringin tariannya lagu bahasa apa... kayak bahasa suku mana gitu... ada teriakan-teriakan bernada yang kalo dibayangin tu kayak sekumpulan suku yang lagi menari kecak di sekeliling api unggun, di bawah bulan purnama... *halah* hehehe... Bising siy... aku kurang bisa enjoy, musiknya kedengeran aneh 'n noisy di telingaku tapi ya masih mendinglah daripada musik yang jerit-jerit ga jelas ituh hehehe... No offense buat siapapun yang suka musik rock yah hehehe... Aku mau kemana lagi curhatnya kalo bukan ke blog =p hehehe... Tapi musik ini ama musik rock sama-sama bikin kepala cenut-cenut kayaknya kalo dipake buat mengiringi kerja hehehe... sama-sama mengganggu konsentrasi =p
- Pengen tau kepastian 'n konfirmasi soal 1 hal
- Pengen ngobrolin 'n ngajarin 'n explore kompie ke dad 'n mom di rumah
- Pengen makan masakannya dad yang baru aja les masak sehari, soalnya kata mom enak hehehe...
- Ketemuan 'n jalan bareng ama Enjie 'n rombongannya temen Thaiku ke Jogja ntar Oktober
- Pengen ke pantai 'n ke tempat-tempat yang pemandangan alamnya indah atau unik, pengen menikmati semua itu 'n juga foto-foto pastinya hehehe...
- Pengen make beautiful and memorable moments ama orang-orang deketku sebelon the next phase or the next destination
- Pengen meluk anjing atau kucing... tapi yang bersih hehehe... Lagi pengen meluk-meluk...
- Menindaklanjuti keinginan sebelonnya, pengen ke kebun binatang siy, tapi yang terawat, yang ga jorok... perasaan aku dulu waktu kecil cuman pernah ke bonbin sekali abis gitu ga pernah lagi (and emang ga pengen lagi siy), tapi sekarang pengen aja... pengen foto-foto ama penghuninya hehehe...
- Wanna do something new that I can still enjoy (or maybe I can enjoy more)
I trust my hopes and wishes to You God... ^.^